God With You At Work-Final Post

I have great news!  I finally finished reading, “God With You At Work,” and I have to say that it was indeed an awesome book.

If you missed the post from last week, you can read it here.  The book, “God With You At Work” offered some great insights into how we, as believers, can access all that God has made available to us in our personal and professional lives.

The thing that I loved most about the book is that the author, Andy Mason, emphasized the importance of relationship with God throughout the entire book.  He stressed the significance of relationship with God and our ultimate success in life.

On this week, the most important insight that I gained from the book was from Andy Mason’s discussion on “Dreaming with God.”  I have to say that I absolutely loved this section of the book and it truly spoke to my passions and the dreams that I have in life.

Andy Mason described the cycle of dreaming with God as consisting of five steps:

1.  Intimacy–This step deals directly with your relationship with God.  Are you setting aside enough time to talk to God and truly develop an intimate relationship with Him.

2. Ask, Dream, Imagine & Create–I truly loved this step of the entire process.  This step encompasses asking God questions about His dreams and desires for your life.  What is God’s dream for your business?  How does He feel about your business?  What does a partnership with God in your business look like?  This is the stage where you partner with God and dream with Him and get to know His mind concerning you!

3. Receive–This step is when you receive your inheritance from God.  This consists of understanding that all God has for you has been given freely and cannot be earned.  You cannot do this until you have confidence in your relationship with God as your Father.

4. Risk- Do It!–The last step may be the hardest step.  This is when you step out in faith and truly test your relationship with God.  Do you believe that God truly wants you to be successful.  The dreams that God gives you will definitely be bigger than what you can handle on your own.  God-sized dreams require more resources than what we have readily available.  Take what you have and start where you are and watch God multiply your resources!

If you have not read this book, I would truly recommend it.  I was blessed by reading it, and I will be reading some of His other books, Dream Culture and Dream Journey!


I pray that you have been blessed by what I have shared.  Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestion and feedback.

Blessings and Divine Favor

Living A Faith Filled Life

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1, NLT

My pastor preached an awesome message on last night entitled, “Living in the Unseen.”  Some messages that we hear are truly transformational and cause us to experience spiritual growth and abound to new levels in God.

Faith is a topic that I talk about often and one that is very familiar to the child of God.  The word of God tells us in Romans 1:17:

This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.

It is by faith that we are declared righteous in the eyesight of God.  Faith is so detrimental to our relationship with God that the Word of God warns the believer:

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

There is no way for the child of God to access all that God has without faith.  It is impossible for the believer to experience God’s abundance if he does not learn how to live by faith!

God has given each and every one of us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3).  With this knowledge, we understand that it then becomes our responsibility to exercise the faith that God has freely given us.

God has given all of us the ability to live an abundant life.  The difference between those of us who do and those who don’t is faith.  Do you believe God enough to live in the unseen?  Do you have to first see in order to believe?  The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:7:

For we live by believing and not by seeing.

Are you living today by what you believe or by what you see?  If you are not living your life by faith, I am here to tell you that there are many things that God has for you that you will never access!

Consider this scripture:

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
    and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
    for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9, NLT

The only way to access these unseen, unheard of and unimaginable things is by tapping into them through your faith!

I encourage you to seek God and ask Him to teach you how to access the faith that He has made readily available to you and me.  God wants us to live in His overflow, but we can only do that by living a life full of faith!

Please leave your comments, feedback and suggestions!

Blessings and Divine Favor!

Why You Should Go To Church

“Does it take all of that?”

“Is it necessary to go to church in order to have a relationship with God?”


These questions and many more like it are continuously rising up in Christendom.  The topic of attending church is one that people have always disagreed on and most likely will continue to disagree on until the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


I was inclined to write this blog post after reading an article this morning on the Christian Post entitled, “7 Reasons Why People Choose Not to Attend Church.”


Yes, there are many reasons why people choose not to attend church, but my question is:


Do those reasons negate the necessity to fellowship with the body of Christ?


In a society and a culture that is constantly bombarding us with different points of view, it is vital that the child of God base all of his/her decisions strictly off of the word of God.  As it relates to the issue of attending church, the Word of God declares:


24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.(Hebrews 10:24-25, NIV)


This passage of scripture makes it clear that fellowship with a body of believers is essential to the believer’s growth.  When we assemble ourselves together, we are able to encourage one another in our walk with Christ.  Each and every one of us needs encouragement and attending church gives us the opportunity to express our love for not only our Lord and Savior but for our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Another very important aspect of this scripture is in the last part, “and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”  We are living in a day and time where the love of many is waxing cold.  Jesus Christ warned us that as His return approached, the world would continue to grow more and more wicked.  We are definitely living in that day and time.


For this reason, we (the body of Christ) have to be careful to not be sucked into beliefs and opinions that are contradictory to the Word of God.


Yes, people have their reasons for not attending church.  But, my question is:  Why Should You Attend Church?


I will give you seven reasons why:

1.  You will find strength and encouragement among the body of Christ.  Hebrews 10:24-25

2.  Your faith is built through the hearing of God’s Word.  Romans 10:17

3.  We learn our place in the body of Christ and how to utilize our gifts and talents for the kingdom of God.  Ephesians 4:11-15

4.  We experience a greater move of God when we are in the midst of other believers.  Acts 2:1-5

5.  It is the place where healing, deliverance and miracles take place.  Some things you need can only be found in the house of God.  Mark 1:23-27

6.  It is a house of prayer—a place where prayer abides and lives.  It is easier to get a prayer through in God’s house.  Isaiah 56:7

7.  It is a place filled with other worshipers, people who love and adore God.  Psalm 55:14


These are just some of the reasons why I believe you should go to church.  I pray that you were blessed.    Please leave your thoughts and your comments on this subject that is vital to the body of Christ.

Peace and Blessings.