God With You At Work

Happy Thursday!

This is Week #2 in my series on Inspirational Books that are blessing and transforming my life.  Last week, I introduced the book “God With You At Work” by Andy Mason (read it here.)


We will continue with this book on this week since I am still in the process of reading it.  I want to share one awesome revelation that I received from the book while reading this week that has blessed my life.

Andy Mason talks about the difference between two cultures:  orphan culture and culture of sonship.  In a nutshell, those that live within an orphan culture operate from a defensive position because they are always afraid that someone will cause them to lose their PORTION or POSITION.

On the other hand, children of God should always operate from a culture of sonship because we understand that in order to access the inheritance that God has for us, we must operate from a culture of love.  This culture values connection and values people more for who they are than what they can do.

I was so blessed by Andy Mason’s discussion on the orphan culture and the culture of sonship.  He goes on to talk about the orphan cycle and the cycle of sonship.  The orphan cycle is one of limitation because it is always trying to protect and is afraid to build and promote others.  It is a cycle that values disconnection and the only ones who succeed within this cycle are those who “earn” their way.

In the cycle of sonship, the value is placed on connection and establishing inheritance and legacy so that the next generation has a platform on which to build.  This cycle emphasizes grace and favor.  Those who operate in this cycle desire to see the next generation go further and accomplish more because of their success.

I truly believe that anyone seeking to grow in both their personal and professional life should read this great book.  If you have not gotten your copy, do so today and please leave your comments and feedback on how this book is blessing your life.


Blessings and Divine Favor!

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