Mali Music–Featured Artist of the Week

This week’s featured artist of the week is an awesome man by the name of Mali Music.  Mali Music has a very unique sound that sets him apart in the gospel music industry.  His style is one that reminds me of neo-soul; its soft, sultry and relaxing.  However, he still delivers a power-packed message of the Cross in his music.

If you have never listened to Mali Music, I encourage you to do so on this week.  His new album “Mali Is…” is now available and presents 12 hits by the artist, including the single “Beautiful.”


I pray that you are blessed on this week and that you are encouraged by Mali Music.  Please feel free to leave your comments and feedback about the artists featured here on this week.  I would also love to hear about those artists that have blessed your life.

Enjoy some videos by Mali Music:


What Would Jesus Do?

Happy Friday to all!

This is Week #2 in the series on What Would Jesus Do?  If you missed it on last week, take some time and read the great articles that were listed.  This is the time that we come together as a nation and review some of the things that are happening across our nation.

This review is not intended to be just that in and of itself.  It is intended to inform and spark corporate prayer within the body of Christ.  Our nation needs prayer and that’s the only way that true change will come!  I pray that you are blessed on this week!


Saving Christmas 




(Photo Credit:  Courtesy PurePublicity)


The first article that I will share on this week is about a movie that will be coming out this November.  Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas is a movie that is intended to put Christ back into Christmas.  I pray that this movie accomplishes just that because as Kirk Cameron stated in the article, we have definitely become disconnected to the real meaning of Christmas.  Many of our children are only excited about Christmas because of the gifts they are looking forward to receiving.  They have no reverence for the significance of the day in and of itself.  I am praying for Kirk Cameron and that this movie is a great success.  Join me in sending up pray for Christian actors and actresses all over the world that God would continue to anoint them to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church




(Photo Credit: PASTORMARK.TV)

I am sure that most of you have heard the news concerning Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church.  If you have not heard Mark Driscoll is being accused of ‘spiritual abuse’ concerning the members of the church.  Anytime I hear news of this nature within the body of Christ, my heart is saddened and prayers are instantly sent up for all of those affected.  God never intended for His sheep to be hurt, abused or misused.  God is love and He is the essence of love itself.  Anything that strays from love is not God:  point blank.

As I read the news concerning Mark Driscoll, I am compelled to pray for people all over the world who have been impacted by any type of spiritual abuse.  I pray that God heal and restore you and that you understand that people are imperfect.  The God that we serve is perfect in all of His ways and He would never hurt you. I pray total deliverance and restoration for you and your family, in Jesus Name!

If you are reading this, please join me in praying for all of those who have been impacted by this tragedy and that this experience does not cause them to walk away from God but causes them to draw closer to a loving God.


Mississippi School District Threatened to be Sued by Atheists




(Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

This is the second week that I have posted an article concerning prayer within our school districts.  As I stated last week, anytime I read something concerning eliminating God out of our school systems, I am saddened.  I am saddened because I have children still in school, and I understand the ramifications of kicking God out of the schools.

We have seen the danger escalating within our schools year after year and we wonder why.  Our schools are no longer the safe haven they used to be and we should know exactly why that is the case by now.

This story highlights an incident that took place within a Mississippi school district that was obviously threatened by a group of atheists for having prayer at a mandatory convocation for faculty.  The atheist group threatened to sue the school district if they did not comply and stop all religious activity within the school.  The school has agreed to comply and will no longer hold prayer or conduct any other type of religious activity.  

Prayer is in order!  Please join me again on this week in praying for our school systems.  As I children go back to school on this year, I pray that God keep them covered and that His angels are encamped around them each and everyday.


I pray that you have been blessed on this week and that you will continue to pray for our nation because that is what Jesus would do!

Blessings and Divine Favor

Please feel free to leave any comments, feedback or suggestions!




Tasha Cobbs- Featured Artist of the Week

This is the first post in the Featured Artist of the Week that I will be posting every Tuesday.  It is my desire to inspire through the art form of music.  I absolutely love Christian music, and it has personally brought me through many trying times in my life.

It is my hope that you will be blessed by the music featured here every week.  Please feel free to leave your comments, feedback and suggestions of how to make this even better.

Tasha Cobbs is a praise and worshipper at heart.  I am sure that this is why I am just blown away with her ministry.  When she opens her mouth, the anointing of God ushers into the room.


Tasha Cobbs album “Grace” is filled with songs that uplift, inspire and encourage.  Some of my all time favorites on the album are “For Your Glory” ,”Happy” and “Break Every Chain.” These are all songs that we have adopted in our praise and worship ministry at my personal church home.  The power of God moves each and every time we sing these songs.

If you are an avid listener of gospel music then I am sure that you have experienced these anointed songs.  I say “experienced” because listening to Tasha Cobbs is indeed an experience.

I have included a few of her videos in this post so that you can take a moment and enter into the presence of God.  In His presence, there is fullness of joy!  I pray that you are blessed by the praise and worship ministry of Tasha Cobbs!



Do You Mind Waiting on God?

Have you ever heard the saying, “Patience is a virtue?”

I would agree.  I believe patience is next to godliness.  I’m sure you wonder why I say that.

First, let me admit that I have a BIG problem with patience. In all honesty, I am not patient at all.  I am almost led to believe that it is the thorn in my side that I keep asking God to remove, but it seems to remain!

With that being said, I don’t know a Christian that has not battled with impatience at some point in their lives.  I just believe that by nature, people have a measure of impatience.  The culture of our society does not make things any better.  We live in a microwave, “I want it know”-type society.  We want everything fast, and we want it served exactly the way we like it.  Everytime!

Now this is where we run into problems with God…

God is not a “have it your way” type of God.  In the book of Isaiah 55:8-9, God informs us that:

My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.
    “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so my ways are higher than your ways
    and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

It looks to me as if God already knew from the beginning of time that man would have some problems.  Not only would we have problems, but we would experience major difficulties in conforming to the ways of God.

Wrapping our mind around the way that God thinks is a monumental task in and of itself.  God told us in Philippians 2:5:

 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

Say what?  And what does having the same attitude as Christ had mean for us as believers?  If you go on to read the rest of Philippians 2 you gain an understanding that having the attitude of Christ refers to “obedience.”  Another much dreaded word.

All in all, having patience reflects an attitude of giving over to the divine will and plan of God for your life.  It means recognizing and acknowledging that God knows whats best for you.  You may feel as if certain things will never happen or that you are behind schedule concerning some areas of your life.  But guess what?  God already knew where you would be at this point in your life and He has already made provision for you!  Now, that’s good news!

Listen to what the word of God says concerning God’s view of time in 2 Peter 3:8-9

But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

Did you just read what I read?  Yet another twist in this mystery!  According to this passage of scripture, God’s delay has absolutely nothing to do with Him.  It has everything to do with US!  When you have a revelation of this scripture, you experience God’s love for His people.

Now this changes everything.  It changes our entire attitude about having to wait on God.  In actuality, we are not waiting on God, He is waiting on US!  Isn’t that something?

God wants to give us time to get things together in our lives so that we can enjoy the fruit of our blessings.  If God were to give us certain things now, the truth of the matter is that we may end up losing them just as quick as He released them into our lives.

I don’t know about you, but I want fruit that remains in my life.  I don’t want a TEMPORARY blessing!  I want all that God has for me and I want to be able to enjoy it for all ETERNITY.

The God that we serve is an eternal God and the way that He views things is from an eternal perspective.  If God has you in a “holding” position, I encourage you to seek God.  Seek Him for the “why” behind your current situation.  Why has God not released what you have been asking Him for?  Could it be that He is waiting on you?

Please leave your comments and your feedback.  Have you ever had to “wait” on God?  What did you do while in your “holding” position? 

When You Are Dealing With Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness is a huge thorn in the side of many Christians and non-Christians alike. This is a stronghold that must be addressed because of the serious ramifications of allowing it to go unchecked.

Unforgiveness affects every area of our lives: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

A case in point that helps drive home the dangers of unforgiveness is the story of Cain and Abel. I can’t help but think about the fact that Cain could never have imagined that his refusal to put his emotions in check would lead him to murder his own brother.

Cain’s story demonstrates the dangers of unforgiveness. Cain became angry with God first and foremost because things did not work out for him the way he intended.

Because Cain refused to correct the breach between God and himself, his anger and unforgiveness began to fester and manifest into hatred and eventually murder.

My whole goal in recapping that story is to demonstrate how unforgiveness grows and continually manifests itself. It is our responsibility to put unforgiveness in check. If we don’t, we can take heed to the word that God spoke to Cain:

Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

Unforgiveness and anger open the door for the enemy to come in and wreak havoc in our lives.

In the book of Matthew 18:23-35, the Word of God teaches us that when we refuse to forgive, we are turned over to torturers (demons).

We are tortured in our minds, in our hearts and in our spirit. God did not make us to hold unforgiveness. When we do, it places extreme stress on our minds and bodies.

Unforgiveness will many times manifest itself as physical illness in the lives of many people.

Forgiving others ensures that we remain physically and spiritually healthy.

Unforgiveness also causes a breach between God and His children. We cannot receive anything from God when we walk in unforgiveness because it damages our faith. When we refuse to forgive others, we lose confidence in our relationship with God and we can’t approach Him in faith.

The word of God tells us in Mark 11:22-26 that if we expect for our faith to work, we cannot come to God holding things in our heart against others. God also tells us that we cannot expect to be forgiven if we can’t forgive others.

One thing that has helped me when I feel like I have been wronged by others is remembering all the times that God has forgiven me. When I think about how God forgives me over and over again and continues to extend mercy unto me, it brings everything into perspective.

If I want to continue to receive God’s mercy, I must give mercy to others.

I will be the first to admit that forgiving others is not always the easiest thing to do. However, it is a must in the life of a believer.

If you are holding unforgiveness, the first thing you must do is make up in your mind that you will forgive.

The word of God tells us in Romans 12:19 that vengeance belongs to the Lord and it is His job to repay those that hurt us in life.

We have to release our hurts to God and allow Him to do His job. He is going to be just and fair in the way He deals with those who have hurt us.

The second thing you must do is lean on God for your strength. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit helps us in our infirmities (Romans 8:26-27). It may be hard for you to formulate the words to ask God to help you.

All you have to do is just give over to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to take the lead. Lastly, whatever God instructs you to do, be sure to obey God. Don’t fight against the counsel of God.

God knows best and His ways are not always our ways (Isaiah 55:8)

Follow His way because His goal is to bring healing to all parties involved in the situation. Trust God and let go!

Prayer for Healing From Unforgiveness

“Father God in the name of Jesus… touch my brother/sister on today.  They are struggling with unforgiveness and they are seeking you for their healing.  God, you are a healer and you have promised us that if we ask anything in faith, you will grant it to us.  I pray that healing be their portion on today and that wherever hurt resides, you will replace it with your peace and your joy.  Lord, help my brother/sister let go on today and trust you. I declare that the stronghold of unforgiveness is broken as they give over to your divine will.  In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!”

Please leave your comments and feedback below.  If you have additional insight on the topic of unforgiveness, I would love to hear your thoughts.



A Cry For Our Children

Embed from Getty Images

A Cry For Our Children


~Inspired by the tragic death of Micheal Brown

~Dedicated to every young person whose life was tragically cut short by violence and every parent who has lost a child to violence


Who will cry out for our children?

Who can imagine the pain that a mother feels

A father seeking answers…”Could this be real?”

Who will cry out for our children?

A life cut short, destiny snatched away

Are we really living in a world where our children are not even safe to play?

Who will cry out for our children?

The violence has to stop, the non-sense has to end

Mothers are losing sons, and fathers are losing best friends.

Who will cry out for our children?

If our children are our future, then what do we do today?

To cover them and protect them: somebody has to pray.

Who will cry out for our children?

I will take a stand and cry out for mothers and fathers across the world

I will pray protection over every young boy and pray that God cover every little girl.

Who will cry out for our children?

As I write these words, children across the world are losing their young lives.

Mothers and fathers are grieving; sisters and brothers are preparing to utter their last goodbyes.

Who will cry out for our children?

I pray that in the midst of this earthly storm, the divine peace of God will reign

I pray that every heart that has been broken God will mend back together again.

Who will cry out for our children?

The solution to this problem may be too big for any woman or any man.

But one thing that I do know is whatever we can’t fix, the love of God can.

Who will cry out for our children?

As we stand united in prayer, I believe the power of God will prevail.

Love will conquer our hurt and pain because the love of God never fails.

Who will cry out for our children?

God is crying for our children.


You Owe God Praise

You Owe God Praise

No matter what I face

I will give God the praise

Trials and hardships are all a part of this race

I will give God the praise

Even when my back is up against the wall

I will give God the praise

Even if I happen to stumble and sometimes fall

I will give God the praise

He has brought me from a mighty long way

I will give God the praise

There were times I thought I would never see the light of day

I will give God the praise

Mighty is His name and greatly to be praised

I will give God the praise

With outstretched arms and both my hands raised

I will give God the praise

Ten thousand tongues would never be enough

I will give God the praise

To tell you how good He’s been when the going got tough

I will give God the praise

I owe Him all that I am and everything that I have

I will give God the praise

He loved me so much, to me, His only Son He gave

I will give God the praise

One day He’s returning, and with Him, we will dwell up above

I will give God the praise:

Take this chance like it’s your last

Clear your mind and forget about the past

Throw your head back and with both hands raised

Give God what He deserves, give Him your best praise!