God With You At Work-Final Post

I have great news!  I finally finished reading, “God With You At Work,” and I have to say that it was indeed an awesome book.

If you missed the post from last week, you can read it here.  The book, “God With You At Work” offered some great insights into how we, as believers, can access all that God has made available to us in our personal and professional lives.

The thing that I loved most about the book is that the author, Andy Mason, emphasized the importance of relationship with God throughout the entire book.  He stressed the significance of relationship with God and our ultimate success in life.

On this week, the most important insight that I gained from the book was from Andy Mason’s discussion on “Dreaming with God.”  I have to say that I absolutely loved this section of the book and it truly spoke to my passions and the dreams that I have in life.

Andy Mason described the cycle of dreaming with God as consisting of five steps:

1.  Intimacy–This step deals directly with your relationship with God.  Are you setting aside enough time to talk to God and truly develop an intimate relationship with Him.

2. Ask, Dream, Imagine & Create–I truly loved this step of the entire process.  This step encompasses asking God questions about His dreams and desires for your life.  What is God’s dream for your business?  How does He feel about your business?  What does a partnership with God in your business look like?  This is the stage where you partner with God and dream with Him and get to know His mind concerning you!

3. Receive–This step is when you receive your inheritance from God.  This consists of understanding that all God has for you has been given freely and cannot be earned.  You cannot do this until you have confidence in your relationship with God as your Father.

4. Risk- Do It!–The last step may be the hardest step.  This is when you step out in faith and truly test your relationship with God.  Do you believe that God truly wants you to be successful.  The dreams that God gives you will definitely be bigger than what you can handle on your own.  God-sized dreams require more resources than what we have readily available.  Take what you have and start where you are and watch God multiply your resources!

If you have not read this book, I would truly recommend it.  I was blessed by reading it, and I will be reading some of His other books, Dream Culture and Dream Journey!


I pray that you have been blessed by what I have shared.  Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestion and feedback.

Blessings and Divine Favor

Living A Faith Filled Life

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1, NLT

My pastor preached an awesome message on last night entitled, “Living in the Unseen.”  Some messages that we hear are truly transformational and cause us to experience spiritual growth and abound to new levels in God.

Faith is a topic that I talk about often and one that is very familiar to the child of God.  The word of God tells us in Romans 1:17:

This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.

It is by faith that we are declared righteous in the eyesight of God.  Faith is so detrimental to our relationship with God that the Word of God warns the believer:

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

There is no way for the child of God to access all that God has without faith.  It is impossible for the believer to experience God’s abundance if he does not learn how to live by faith!

God has given each and every one of us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3).  With this knowledge, we understand that it then becomes our responsibility to exercise the faith that God has freely given us.

God has given all of us the ability to live an abundant life.  The difference between those of us who do and those who don’t is faith.  Do you believe God enough to live in the unseen?  Do you have to first see in order to believe?  The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:7:

For we live by believing and not by seeing.

Are you living today by what you believe or by what you see?  If you are not living your life by faith, I am here to tell you that there are many things that God has for you that you will never access!

Consider this scripture:

That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
    and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
    for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9, NLT

The only way to access these unseen, unheard of and unimaginable things is by tapping into them through your faith!

I encourage you to seek God and ask Him to teach you how to access the faith that He has made readily available to you and me.  God wants us to live in His overflow, but we can only do that by living a life full of faith!

Please leave your comments, feedback and suggestions!

Blessings and Divine Favor!

Is God With You at Work?

So, another thing that I love to do is read…when I get the time, that is!  I don’t read nearly as much as I used to years ago.  However, I know that any good writer is also an avid reader.  So, it is my hopes that I can inspire you as I am inspired by the things that I read.

In looking for a good book to read next, I stumbled upon Sandi Krakowski’s Top Book Reading List for a Powerful Life and Business.

I have to say that since I have gotten serious about blogging and writing, I have been following Sandi Krawkowski and she is absolutely amazing.  First and foremost, she is a woman of God with a beautiful spirit.  Secondly, she has a wealth of knowledge that she shares openly and freely and that is something you don’t find a lot of in this day and time.

With that being said, I chose one of the books off of her list to start with.  The book is entitled, God With You At Work by Andy Mason.


I just started reading the book on last week, and I have really been encouraged.  The one thing that I love about the book already is that the author, Andy Mason, stresses the importance of relationship with God.  Everything in our lives, including our success in our personal and professional lives, stems from the breadth and depth of our relationship with our Father.

The author does a great job of utilizing personal testimonies to drive home the faithfulness of God.  There is nothing that we cannot achieve in our lives if we can first believe God.  God is ready, willing and able to open doors in our lives that no man can close if we are able to tap into the revelation of who God truly is and who we are in Him.

If you are a writer, you know how important it is to maintain a constant flow of inspiration so that you have what you need to inspire others.  I am glad to say that this book is doing just that for me.  It is really doing a great job of imparting inspiration, encouragement and revelation and that is what I look for in anything that I listen to or read.

I will be posting updates on this book every Thursday until I complete the book and then I will be moving on to another book in Sandi’s list until I have completed them all.  I encourage you to join me on this journey to creating a better life and business.

Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and feedback.  If you have read the book, I would love to hear how the book has touched your life.  If you are in the process of reading the book, please join the discussion.


When You Are Dealing With Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness is a huge thorn in the side of many Christians and non-Christians alike. This is a stronghold that must be addressed because of the serious ramifications of allowing it to go unchecked.

Unforgiveness affects every area of our lives: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

A case in point that helps drive home the dangers of unforgiveness is the story of Cain and Abel. I can’t help but think about the fact that Cain could never have imagined that his refusal to put his emotions in check would lead him to murder his own brother.

Cain’s story demonstrates the dangers of unforgiveness. Cain became angry with God first and foremost because things did not work out for him the way he intended.

Because Cain refused to correct the breach between God and himself, his anger and unforgiveness began to fester and manifest into hatred and eventually murder.

My whole goal in recapping that story is to demonstrate how unforgiveness grows and continually manifests itself. It is our responsibility to put unforgiveness in check. If we don’t, we can take heed to the word that God spoke to Cain:

Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

Unforgiveness and anger open the door for the enemy to come in and wreak havoc in our lives.

In the book of Matthew 18:23-35, the Word of God teaches us that when we refuse to forgive, we are turned over to torturers (demons).

We are tortured in our minds, in our hearts and in our spirit. God did not make us to hold unforgiveness. When we do, it places extreme stress on our minds and bodies.

Unforgiveness will many times manifest itself as physical illness in the lives of many people.

Forgiving others ensures that we remain physically and spiritually healthy.

Unforgiveness also causes a breach between God and His children. We cannot receive anything from God when we walk in unforgiveness because it damages our faith. When we refuse to forgive others, we lose confidence in our relationship with God and we can’t approach Him in faith.

The word of God tells us in Mark 11:22-26 that if we expect for our faith to work, we cannot come to God holding things in our heart against others. God also tells us that we cannot expect to be forgiven if we can’t forgive others.

One thing that has helped me when I feel like I have been wronged by others is remembering all the times that God has forgiven me. When I think about how God forgives me over and over again and continues to extend mercy unto me, it brings everything into perspective.

If I want to continue to receive God’s mercy, I must give mercy to others.

I will be the first to admit that forgiving others is not always the easiest thing to do. However, it is a must in the life of a believer.

If you are holding unforgiveness, the first thing you must do is make up in your mind that you will forgive.

The word of God tells us in Romans 12:19 that vengeance belongs to the Lord and it is His job to repay those that hurt us in life.

We have to release our hurts to God and allow Him to do His job. He is going to be just and fair in the way He deals with those who have hurt us.

The second thing you must do is lean on God for your strength. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit helps us in our infirmities (Romans 8:26-27). It may be hard for you to formulate the words to ask God to help you.

All you have to do is just give over to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to take the lead. Lastly, whatever God instructs you to do, be sure to obey God. Don’t fight against the counsel of God.

God knows best and His ways are not always our ways (Isaiah 55:8)

Follow His way because His goal is to bring healing to all parties involved in the situation. Trust God and let go!

Prayer for Healing From Unforgiveness

“Father God in the name of Jesus… touch my brother/sister on today.  They are struggling with unforgiveness and they are seeking you for their healing.  God, you are a healer and you have promised us that if we ask anything in faith, you will grant it to us.  I pray that healing be their portion on today and that wherever hurt resides, you will replace it with your peace and your joy.  Lord, help my brother/sister let go on today and trust you. I declare that the stronghold of unforgiveness is broken as they give over to your divine will.  In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen!”

Please leave your comments and feedback below.  If you have additional insight on the topic of unforgiveness, I would love to hear your thoughts.




When Your Children Hurt

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”(Matthew 19:14)

Have you ever felt helpless and hopeless as a parent?

I definitely have.  There is no manual that could possibly prepare you for all of the different challenges that you will face as a parent.


However, the Word of God is the best parenting guide that any Christian parent could ever have.


One of the things that challenges me the most as a parent is when I witness my children hurting.  I was not prepared as a young parent to deal with the many different situations and circumstances that my children would face in this world.


My number one goal, like any other parent, is to protect my children.  It is a hard pill to swallow when you come to the realization that you cannot protect your children from everything.  There are some things in life that they will just have to experience.  It is even harder when you, as a parent, have been the source of their hurt and disappointment.


One thing that I have discovered as a Christian parent is that when my children face difficult times, their heart and spirit are ripe for me to sow seeds.  This is the best time to teach your children the importance of leaning on and depending on God.  The times when they are hurting or experiencing confusion about life present the best opportunities to minister God’s truth in their lives.


The harsh reality is that we cannot protect our children from experiencing hurt and disappointment.  However, we can pray for them and with them and teach them to run to the One who will never hurt or disappoint them.


If you are reading this and you are the parent of a child who is hurting, confused, frustrated or plain disappointed with life, I pray the peace of God over you and your family.  I pray that God give you the strength and the wisdom to minister to your child during their time of need.  Know that God can and He will bring you and your child out of any situation that you will ever face.


The righteous person may have many troubles,
    but the Lord delivers him from them all;(Psalm 34:19)


Please leave your comments below.  I would love to hear your insights on parenting and how you have dealt with challenges as a Christian parent.  I am looking forward to hearing from you!

How To Change Your Life Forever

Are you seeking permanent change in your life?

Have you come to a place in life where you are ready to do something different?

The Joshua Code Challenge is a way to do just that.  This challenge inspires you to memorize and meditate on a different verse of scripture each week.  The key is to not just memorize the scripture but begin to apply it to your life.

Review a copy of this awesome book here:

Application of the Word of God brings about permanent change in your life.

I have often found myself frustrated with life and my progress or lack thereof in life.  After serving God for over 10 years, I have come to realize that everything that I need can be found in God’s Word.  I have to admit that my failure lies in not always applying His word to my life.

It does no good to memorize scripture without application.  The Word of God declares in the Book of Luke 6:49

But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.” (NIV)

The Joshua Code Challenge is an awesome way to develop a habit of not only memorizing scripture but meditating on that scripture throughout the course of a week so that it becomes a part of who you are.  If we truly desire permanent change, we have to be willing to do things differently in our lives.

We are currently in Week 2 of the Joshua Code Challenge, so it is not too late for you to get started.  Last week’s scripture can be found in Genesis 1:1:

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

We were challenged on last week to meditate on our worldview:

What is it that you believe and most of all, why do you believe it?

The Word of God declares in the book of Matthew 24:35:

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will never pass away. (NIV)

If we cannot depend on anything else, we can depend on God and His Word.  Everything around us changes on a daily basis, but God never changes.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

Now that we are in Week 2 of the Joshua Code Challenge, we are memorizing and meditating on the following scripture:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

This is one of the most quoted scriptures in the Bible.  On this week, we are challenging ourselves to really explore the depth of this scripture and what it means for our lives.

Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice so that we would have access to life of abundance, joy, grace and peace.

By applying John 3:16 to our everyday life, we will have an experience that will cause our lives to change forever.

If you have taken the plunge and become a part of the Joshua Code Challenge, please leave your comments on how being a part of this challenge is transforming your life one week at a time.

May God bless you and prosper you on this week!

The Enemy Within

The ancient curse will not go out painlessly; the tough old miser within us will not lie down and die obedient to our command. He must be torn out of our heart like a plant from the soil; he must be extracted in agony and blood like a tooth from the jaw. He must be expelled from our soul by violence as Christ expelled the money changers from the temple.–Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

As I was reading this awesome book on today, I came across the above referenced quote. I connected with the words on a very real level and felt compelled to share my thoughts.

In this passage, A.W. Tozer is speaking emphatically about the struggle that the child of God has with his personal desires. His will versus the will of God.

We live in a world that is caught up on having “things.” If we are not careful, we will end up being overcome by those very same desires.

We wrestle with ourselves on a daily basis to bring our hearts and minds into alignment with the heart and mind of God.

A.W. Tozer describes this as a violent struggle; one that is not to be taken lightly. The old man, our carnal nature and fleshly desires will not yield willingly to the spirit of God.

The details of this passage reminds me of the process of having my wisdom tooth removed just a day ago. In order to remove this part of me that was causing me severe pain, I had to be willing to go through additional pain and agonizing. The extraction of my tooth was a violent procedure but it was one that had to be done.

I can’t help but think about how a tooth that seemed like such a harmless part of my body eventually turned on me and could have potentially caused me extensive hurt and damage.

This is a prime example of what our natural and fleshly desires can do to the child of God if we don’t keep them in check. They will turn on us and cause us to become so consumed with them that they drown out the will of God for our lives.

Our livelihood is found in the will of God; pleasing Him and fulfilling His desires for our lives. This requires a constant and consistent renewing of our mind and our heart.

Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good,pleasing and perfect will.