
When Your Children Hurt

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”(Matthew 19:14)

Have you ever felt helpless and hopeless as a parent?

I definitely have.  There is no manual that could possibly prepare you for all of the different challenges that you will face as a parent.


However, the Word of God is the best parenting guide that any Christian parent could ever have.


One of the things that challenges me the most as a parent is when I witness my children hurting.  I was not prepared as a young parent to deal with the many different situations and circumstances that my children would face in this world.


My number one goal, like any other parent, is to protect my children.  It is a hard pill to swallow when you come to the realization that you cannot protect your children from everything.  There are some things in life that they will just have to experience.  It is even harder when you, as a parent, have been the source of their hurt and disappointment.


One thing that I have discovered as a Christian parent is that when my children face difficult times, their heart and spirit are ripe for me to sow seeds.  This is the best time to teach your children the importance of leaning on and depending on God.  The times when they are hurting or experiencing confusion about life present the best opportunities to minister God’s truth in their lives.


The harsh reality is that we cannot protect our children from experiencing hurt and disappointment.  However, we can pray for them and with them and teach them to run to the One who will never hurt or disappoint them.


If you are reading this and you are the parent of a child who is hurting, confused, frustrated or plain disappointed with life, I pray the peace of God over you and your family.  I pray that God give you the strength and the wisdom to minister to your child during their time of need.  Know that God can and He will bring you and your child out of any situation that you will ever face.


The righteous person may have many troubles,
    but the Lord delivers him from them all;(Psalm 34:19)


Please leave your comments below.  I would love to hear your insights on parenting and how you have dealt with challenges as a Christian parent.  I am looking forward to hearing from you!